How Edit Order works

Shamara Carney
Edit Order
Published in
1 min readAug 25, 2017


Edit Order is a fast and flexible solution for editing orders in Shopify.

Here’s how Edit Order works behind the scenes.

When you go to the Order Details page and select Edit Order, we create a copy of your order with all the existing order details for you to edit. Once you complete your edits, Edit Order performs a “save as” by canceling the original order and applying the original payment to the newly edited version of the order. This ensures that there’s a clear paper trail of what has happened with the order at all times.

Once you are directed back to the Orders page, you will now see your new order marked with an appended letter ( #1017A). The original order should appear below it in red (#1017), indicating that the order has been marked as cancelled.

That’s it! If you need to refund or capture additional payments after an order is edited, you can learn more about how Edit Order handles order totals here.

Please note, depending on the Shopify Plan you have purchased, there may be an issue with reports duplicating sales numbers. Please email us to confirm if this could be an issue for you.

